catering equipment in folkestone of the highest qualityInstallation, Repair and Upkeep Services for Catering Equipment in Folkestone

Maintain a clean, efficient and functional commercial kitchen by keeping your catering equipment well-maintained and regularly checked by professional repair technicians. A malfunctioning refrigerator or stove can slow down your kitchen staff and trigger a series of consequences, like longer waiting periods for your patrons, dissatisfied customers and smaller tips for your waitstaff.

Don’t let one problem disrupt your kitchen’s harmony — or worse, affect your earnings for the day. Call our dependable staff to maintain your commercial kitchen appliances and catering equipment in Folkestone.

Regular Maintenance and Pre-Emptive Repairs

Durable, sophisticated and wear-resistant cooking and food storage equipment still wear out over time. It happens faster to food service businesses because of the high volume of food you cook.

You can extend the life of your catering equipment through regular maintenance and timely repairs. Our brand of maintenance includes pre-emptive measures for potential problem points in gas or electrical equipment. You’ll hear from us if we find wiring or hardware issues you should watch out for. Our engineers will have your equipment functioning at full capacity for as long as possible.

Dependable Installations and Bespoke Services

Kent Catering is also a go-to company for catering equipment installations. As a sales and service partner of major brands like Electrolux, True, Lincat, Garland, Blue Seal, Maidaid, Falcon and Rational, we can provide turnkey solutions to food service businesses in Folkestone.

We’re also flexible with our services. You can talk to our engineers and come up with a customised maintenance schedule.

Authorities in Catering Equipment Services

Apart from practical experience, we also earned credentials that make us the preferred service provider in South East London:

  • A Gas Safe registered company
  • Engineers trained with the Standards of Training in Gas Work (formerly the Approved Codes of Practice or ACOPs)
  • Conforming to the IEE Wiring Regulations (as required by the Health and Safety Executive or HSE)

Reach out to our engineers today and claim your free consultation. We’ll be happy to advise you on which equipment to buy for your restaurant or catering business.

Contact us today.